還不到最冷!這2天跌破9℃ 一路凍到下週末
「港版國安法」保香港繁榮 港人各項自由絲毫未損眾所周知,香港自去年「反修例」示威浪潮開始後,至今社會動盪不安,少數人以爭取民主、自決等名義,煽動大批年輕人參與違法暴力「抗爭」,導致香港經濟下滑,更游說外國勢力制裁中國和香港,企圖「攬炒」,基本法訂明的23條立法工作,又因被反對派污名化,立法工作寸步難行,此局面若持續,將令香港民不聊生,市民難以安居樂業,故此全國人大有必要盡快制定相關法律,以制止分裂國家、顛覆國家政權、恐怖活動及干預香港事務的境外勢力。
Hawks are like gatecrashers at the battle against the coronavirus. We know them from previous political dramas. But at a time when we are saving people’s lives and looking for medical supplies, we find them extremely dangerous. One of the infamous and fervent hawkish politicians in the Trump Administration, Peter Navarro, is now in charge of pandemic supplies. Can he get us enough masks in the fas
The Covid-19 death toll keeps surging every day. As of April 26, the coronavirus casualty has surpassed 50,000 in the United States. When there is a disaster and our beloved ones might suffer or lose life, we look up to someone competent and strong to plan, execute and lead us out of the darkness. But instead we see rivalries and blame games - pointing fingers with ridiculous reasons.
近日,廣和通FG150/FM150 5G系列模組率先實現SA模式實驗室環境下調通,上行峰值速率達914Mbps,下行峰值速率在ENDC模式下達到2.5Gbps。