

Jumeirah Group 與小美食家攜手打造 FoodieKiDS

Jumeirah Hotels and Resorts 推出為小食客而設的創新烹飪概念 FoodieKiDS。這款全新兒童餐牌依照一項全球研究的資訊制定,這項研究採訪了 5,500 多名來自美國、英國、俄羅斯、德國、沙特阿拉伯及阿聯酋的父母,讓他們就其未滿 12 歲孩子的飲食習慣回答問題。


Learning from Master Chef, Sam's Club serves up members premium lifestyle

During the novel coronavirus outbreak, diners were forced to retire to their own kitchens with many attempting to replicate their favor restaurant's dishes, some successfully, others not so.

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