影/鎮壓釀129死!剛果大規模越獄 屍橫遍野畫面曝

2024-09-04     HaiPress


中非剛果民主共和國(RDC)位於首都金夏沙的馬卡拉監獄(Makala Prison, Kinshasa)前日晚間發生大規模越獄未遂事件,造成至少129人死亡、59人受傷。

Congo says at least 129 people died during an attempted jailbreak, most of them in a stampede (from @AP) https://t.co/zyGPwH0aoM

— EJ News (@ejnews0) September 3, 2024

綜合《BBC》、《美聯社》報導,當地時間1日晚間至2日凌晨,超過百名囚犯試圖集體逃離監獄,剛果內政部長沙巴尼(Jacquemin Shabani)指出,鎮壓過程中,初估有24人因「警告射擊」而死,其餘皆為踩踏致死,總計超過129人死亡。


🔴📸🔞 #DRC- Democratic Republic of Congo says at least 129 people were killed while trying to escape from the central Makala prison in the capital Kinshasa.

With a capacity of 1,500 places, this prison houses between 14,000 and 15,000 prisoners. pic.twitter.com/cs8k9f8Gm5

— Mete Sohtaoğlu (@metesohtaoglu) September 3, 2024


根據國際特赦組織(Amnesty International)的最新報告,馬卡拉監獄可容納1500人,是剛果最大監獄,但現在卻關了超過1萬名囚犯,導致監獄過度擁擠,頻繁出現囚犯餓死的事件。

Attempted jailbreak in Democratic Republic of the Congo’s main prison in capital Kinshasa leaves at least 129 people dead, most of them in stampede – authorities pic.twitter.com/fzSSELfja3

— TRT World Now (@TRTWorldNow) September 3, 2024

司法部長穆坦巴(Constant Mutamba)表示,這起越獄事件是「有預謀的破壞行為」,並警告煽動者將面臨嚴厲處罰;此外,穆坦巴同時宣布,雖然禁止從馬卡拉轉移囚犯,但為減緩監獄擁擠問題,將建造新監獄等措施。

❗️🇨🇩 - An escape attempt in a prison in Kinshasa in the Republic of the Congo left 129 dead and 59 injured, reported Deputy Prime Minister of the Interior, Shabani Lukoo.

The official explained that more than 100 of the deaths were due to a stampede or asphyxiation. pic.twitter.com/9GfyZBEKoM

— 🔥🗞The Informant (@theinformant_x) September 3, 2024


